Monday, December 23, 2013


What is it about these 4 digits that are so special? 
I dont get it.
I dont get the point of making a wish based on numbers on a clock.
Yet, the most amazing part about the human race, is that you do it anyways.
You do things even when they dont make sense.
So dear you four seemingly unimportant number ones on my vanity: 
I will continue to wish upon you for as long as I live.
Hope for one day, that the numbers will mean something.
Hope for one day that my dream will come true.

Monday, December 16, 2013

He's not leaving us

Why are y'all sayin goodbye? I dont know about you, but this chapter in my life is not over yet. Sorry Mr.Sheehan but you can't get rid of us that easy, or me atleast.

Sometimes I wonder

Sometimes I wonder, was it the only solution? Why did you have to hurt us, to benefit yourself? You took our teacher from us. Actually no I correct myself: our friend. He was the only man who ever respected us as students. He was the only man who treated us as adults enough to do homework when it wasn't checked or to clean up after ourselves in class. He trusted us to actually learn something useful, and to enjoy ourselves while doing it. I've never lost a teacher before, but I've lost many friends. I never thought that losing a combination of the two would hurt so much more. Because of this man, I have the courage to make mistakes. I laugh at failures and no longer cry when I don't succeed. You know that your teacher has done something beautiful when he makes a student not only a better student, but a better person. 
Mr.Sheehan, I'm not going to question you. I don't give a damn about the rumors. You know how many people I've told to shut up in the last week? A lot. I hope you're okay and that one day you can teach again because for you to let your talent wash away so soon should be a crime. 
"The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, the children are now working as if I didn't exist, even if they wish that wasn't true."

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Why is it Illegal?

What is the point of making it illegal for children to buy cigarettes, if it's okay for them to smoke them? If they're going to be allowed to smoke them, which they should be, why can't they buy them? I mean, it is their life that they are putting in danger, so they should be responsible because if someone buys a child a cigarette and that child dies due to lung cancer or another disease caused by smoking because he or she was allowed this constant supply of cigarettes, then the supplier would be at fault, or at least feel at fault, for the child's death. Then said supplier has to live with the guilt of giving a child cigarettes when that supplier probably knew the harm it could cause.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


             I saw Lizzy and the girls at the table in the corner and walked straight over. Sitting down, I took out my lunch and started eating until I noticed every one of my friends was staring at me.
            "Whaatttt? Do I have something in my teeth?" I asked with a mouth-full of my sandwich. They all continued to stare and then their eyes drifted down to the sandwich in my hands.
            "What is that?" Lizzy asked in her snarky, rich-girl voice like my sandwich was some kind of flea-infested rodent.
              I stuck my nose up right too and answered back proudly,"This is my mother's signature lunch delicacy. Flifferhuzza."
             "Flifferwhatta?" Becky, the dumb one, asked.
             "Are you guys that silly? Here, let me explain in song." (Piano man appears and the cafeteria tables magically disappear. Poof.)

"Better listen up, doo-doo-doo, 
cause I need a minute, doo-doo-doo,
and my song is made for you. 
You better listen up, doo-doo-doo,
you better understand,
to this sandwich I must true,
to this sandwich, 
for me and you. 

Hazelnut is what you want
oo-oo-oo, yeah,
Fluff is what you want,
oo-oo-oo, yeah, 
put them together,
it's what you need,
oh yes indeed,
it's flifferhuzzza."

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The (almost) Perfect Date

What's the point of dating? I'm not asking for a talk on the birds and the bees, I'm asking why it's such a big deal. You meet a guy, go out to eat a few times. You smooch a little and it ends within a few months. No big deal right? It shouldn't be, but it is. How come it's always the girl that is babied? "No honey you pick out the restaurant." "Munchkin I only care about what you want." "No sweetie pie I love you more." What's all the fuss? Why can't the guy pick out the movie? Why can't the girl pick up the check every now and then? Why is there this stereotype that women have to be treated like a puppy dog, as if they can't take care of themselves. It's riduculous and full of silly pointless arguments and a lot more stressful than it's worth. Besides, boys have cooties.