Wednesday, November 6, 2013


             I saw Lizzy and the girls at the table in the corner and walked straight over. Sitting down, I took out my lunch and started eating until I noticed every one of my friends was staring at me.
            "Whaatttt? Do I have something in my teeth?" I asked with a mouth-full of my sandwich. They all continued to stare and then their eyes drifted down to the sandwich in my hands.
            "What is that?" Lizzy asked in her snarky, rich-girl voice like my sandwich was some kind of flea-infested rodent.
              I stuck my nose up right too and answered back proudly,"This is my mother's signature lunch delicacy. Flifferhuzza."
             "Flifferwhatta?" Becky, the dumb one, asked.
             "Are you guys that silly? Here, let me explain in song." (Piano man appears and the cafeteria tables magically disappear. Poof.)

"Better listen up, doo-doo-doo, 
cause I need a minute, doo-doo-doo,
and my song is made for you. 
You better listen up, doo-doo-doo,
you better understand,
to this sandwich I must true,
to this sandwich, 
for me and you. 

Hazelnut is what you want
oo-oo-oo, yeah,
Fluff is what you want,
oo-oo-oo, yeah, 
put them together,
it's what you need,
oh yes indeed,
it's flifferhuzzza."

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