Friday, September 6, 2013

Courage: The Strength Within

The meaning of courage to me holds a certain level of internal strength. It is the ability to fight for a cause, whether it is a personal cause or something much bigger than yourself. I did not know Talia Castellano very well. Not at all actually. She is a girl who was diagnosed with cancer at a young age, survived it, and then got it yet again. She is not well-known simply for being a cancer patient. She is famous for her willingness to fight and stay strong. When she got sick, she continued to do what she loves: makeup tutorials. She made a youtube channel and gained followers and subscribers and fans for her amazing talent. When asked on The Ellen Show how she stayed so strong, she simply stated: "A little fish told me to just keeping swimming," referencing the character Dory in the movie "Finding Nemo." Her character and personality is what caused Ellen to make Talia an honorary Covergirl. Talia not only had the courage to fight, but she gave millions of other girls a hope. A hope not to get better, but a hope to stay alive as long as they can while enjoying life. Talia did not need big muscles or a logo on a cape to become a hero; she simply became one because she helped people even when she did not have to. That is real courage and even though Talia passed away recently this year, her memory will continue to give other people the courage to keep fighting no matter what means necessary to do what they love even when everyone else tells them that it is impossible. 

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